Q1: What is Senn Lens 1 YouTube Channel Membership?
A1: Senn Lens 1 YouTube Channel Membership is a channel membership that helps support my channel for next future contents such as travels, product reviews, food reviews and many more.
Q2: How much does it costs?
A2: It costs RM2.50/month for Senn Lens Lite, RM5/month for Senn Lens Pro Max and RM7.50/month for Senn Lens Ultra. All price shown in Malaysia Ringgit.
Q3: Does it have ads?
A3: Yes! Unless you subscribe to YouTube Premium (need to subscribe separately).
Q4: What are the perks?
A4: You can get "members only" LIVE chat when there is LIVE stream or premieres, special stickers when comments, exclusive videos and many more.
Q5: Can I get my money back once I accidentally subscribe to Channel Membership
A5: No, you can't once you subscribing channel membership! But you need to contact the bank to dispute your payments.
Q6: Can I unsubscribe Channel Membership?
A6: Sorry to hear about that. To unsubscribe, you need go to "Purchases and Membership" and find "Senn Lens 1" to deactivate. Make sure you unsubscribe by using the same YouTube/Google account in order to unsubscribe. It will automatically unsubscribe once you have reached the end of subscription cycles and will not be renew.